• The Impact of Pre-Kindergarten on Academic Success

    It has become much more common for children to attend pre-kindergarten in Pembroke Pines, because there are a number of benefits that this type of early education can have. Parents and teachers have been noticing the greater impact that a pre-k education has on children’s overall success in life, as well as their academics.

    Children Are Academically Prepared

    Impact of Pre-Kindergarten on Academic Success It is no secret that educational expectations and standards are growing every year. Children are expected to enter kindergarten with academic skills normally attained once in kindergarten or even first grade. With standards becoming higher, children need to enter academic life with the preparation that usually comes from a pre-kindergarten education. Children attend early educational programs—typically for a few hours a day and a few days a week—where they learn their numbers and letters, as well as a basic understanding of how these concepts become the building blocks of their future education.

    Children Are Mentally Prepared

    Kindergarten classes are typically held for a six to eight-hour period, every day of the week. The work can be mentally taxing, especially to a child who is not accustomed to regular classwork. When children are not exposed to classroom life, in addition to the academic expectations of school, they are less likely to succeed. Without a solid pre-k foundation, children may not be as focused as their peers who did attend pre-kindergarten programs.

    Children Are More Likely to Succeed in School

    Pre-k programs and classes are geared toward making learning fun for young children. These children, typically ages three to five, are filled with energy and cannot sit down and learn for long periods of time. Pre-k teachers must make their lessons fun and entertaining so children are more likely to learn. As they grow up associating learning with fun, they are more likely to do well in school where they can continue learning and having fun. Attendance, behavior, and academic success are much more likely with a pre-kindergarten education.